URFamily 宝贝专属福利 | 预约万圣节活动讨糖袋!快加入我们吧!

作者 , 2019-10-11 10:00:00


URFamily 优智家  携 虹桥商场 向您发出诚挚邀请!我们将于10月26日至27日在金虹桥商场(茅台路179号,近娄山关路)举办一年一度的儿童“万圣节”派对啦!快来和近千个家庭一起狂欢吧!


本次儿童“万圣节”狂欢派对,URFamily 优智家  为你准备了精彩绝伦的舞台演出,异彩纷呈的手工活动,还有妙趣横生的万圣节小游戏。为了给大朋友小朋友们一个奇妙的万圣节体验,URFamily 优智家  还为您邀请了沪上知名学校带来万圣节盛装游行。届时还将有一场精彩绝伦的服装大赛,孩子们将获得难得的机会,来展示他们最骄傲最有个性的服装,并由现场观众票选出获胜者。所有参与的小朋友都将得到一份小奖品哦。


On October 26-27, Urban Family will be spooking out Shanghai's Archwalk with a fun-filled, family-friendly gathering. This year's event will cater to more than 5,000 kids and parents and it's shaping up to be a spectacular weekend.


The 2019 Urban Family Kids Halloween Weekend will feature a range of special performances as well as tons of fun games for the little ones. Of course, there will be plenty of traditional AllHallows' Eve activities, like Dressing-up Pumpkins and Halloween Wreath DIY. In the spirit of the holiday, there will also be a costume competition for kids to show off their spookiest, silliest and craziest costumes, which will be voted on by the audience, followed by a Halloween parade and prizes. This year's Urban Family Kids Halloween Weekend will be jam-packed with activities, prizes, exciting games, delicious food and so muchmore. 


表 演 Performances 


游戏 Game & Activity 


万圣节游行 Parade 






Attendees will receive a passport to collect stampsand receive a special gift or win a lucky prize. 

Registered attendees will receive a candy bag. Best ofall, it's totally free (with RSVP)!




RSVPrequired — Scanthe QR code below to RSVP NOW and get a free candy bag. 


时间:10月26日 - 27日 11:00 - 5:30 

地点:金虹桥商场,茅台路179号, 近娄山关路

Oct 26-27, 11am –5.30pm, free entry. Shanghai Archwalk, 179 Maotai Lu, by Loushanguan Lu 





Limited candy bags!

Reservation is required.

To RSVP, click "Read More" (阅读原文) below.